If you want to learn how to create your own perfectly fitting and well constructed corsets, finetune your already existing skills or get bespoke mentoring sessions at any level, you have come to the right place!
Barbara offers corsetmaking classes for beginners and advanced students, as well as individual mentoring sessions and private lessons at any level.
Kosten: 575 Euro | Nächster Kurs: in Arbeit
3-Tages-Kurs für Personen mit Näherfahrung, die in die Korsettmacherei hineinschnuppern möchten.
Kosten: 699 Euro | Nächster Kurs: In Arbeit
4-Tages-Kurs für Personen mit einiger Näherfahrung, die die Korsettmacherei erlernen oder vertiefen möchten.
Kosten: 85 Euro pro Stunde | 599 Euro pro Tag (8h)
Einzelstunden sind individuell per Email buchbar und werden auf Ihr persönliches Erfahrungslevel und Ihre Interessen abgestimmt.
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Beginners and advanced corsetry classes in English language will be scheduled on demand, as soon as enough students have signed up for it by Email.
If you would like to learn the art of corsetmaking and attend one of Barbara's classes here in Vienna, please apply by email to get on the waiting list.
You will be notified as soon as enough people have signed up and a new class will be scheduled.